or: A few stories about repairing the bodies of antique dolls
So, ordinary work photos and few there are terrifying BEFORE photos. (*)
For repairs were used: composite masses based on wood dust and paper-mâché powder, adhesive coloring composition based on skin glue, chalk, watercolor pigments, and various types of shellac.

An early E. Heubach doll with an interesting body and very interesting head markings. The body was terrible. 3 coats of repaint, epoxy, missing parts, etc. In the photo, the body is already cleaned and the finished result is.

Photo of an early Jumeau body. Was/became. The body was in poor condition, cardboard, swollen, and repainted. I didn’t set a task to make it new, just return the body to its normal color, glue it and give it the opportunity to live another 70 years without problems

Little Pretty with a broken torso. The torso is restored, and Pretty is happy!


Chic, extra large 1009 S/H
Many small defects, heavy wear, problems with the lower leg, and shoulder, and very dirty. The task was to align the lower leg and shoulder, fix all the cracks so that there was no shedding, and return the body to a presentable appearance.

*Presented works by Olga Ruchkina
Source: https://babiki.ru/blog/antikvarnye-remont/123111.html
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