or: How to make tress for a wig
Let’s start with a definition. What is a wig tress?
Tress is natural or artificial hair braided on the main thread in a row.
What we need:
- strong threads,
- natural (mohair or synthetic) hair,
- wooden frame.

An approximate scheme for creating a wooden frame for weaving tresses.

This is how strong threads should be placed on a wooden frame.

Stretch the prepared strand of hair from below between the first and second threads to the middle of the strand (if folded in half) and then pull it over the second and third threads.

Bend a strand of hair behind the top third thread towards ourselves and then stretch it over the second and first thread.

Next, go around, stretching a strand behind the first and second thread, pull

Bend around the upper third thread with a strand and stretch it towards ourselves, then we stretch it over the middle second thread from above, and then we stretch the strand behind the first thread to ourselves.

The strength of the weft depends on the quality of the threads and the density of the weave.

Weaving scheme in the color image.
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