or: German antique doll bodies
So: “Body Book” Flo Theriaults 1999
With doll bodies, everything is not so simple. But we have a good book “Body Book” by Theriault (the most famous and authoritative auction selling antique dolls and toys).
As for the finish coat, the experts noted that German doll bodies had 2 shades:
- an early ivory shade,
- later ones after 1890, a darker yellow shade.
So all the pink tones on the Germans are repainted.

Photo 1: early Walterhausen (1885)
Part one – the body with large hip and shoulder joints, separated separately.
Yellow finish.
Pronounced musculature, rather a plump build, fairly high shins, straight wrists.
Schematically marked (toes were not cut through).
For the Kestner factory.
Photo 2: Early Walterhausen
Part two is a soft creamy finish.
With straight and movable wrists, one model also has an elongated inguinal fold.

Photo 3: Walterhausen (period 1890)
A dark chocolate finish appears.
Creamy finish on base models.
Hip and shoulder joint attached, wrists straight.
Photo 4: Walterhausen (period 1885-1890)
Creamy finish, showcasing voice box bodies controlled by string.
Detailed knees and hips.

Photo 5: Sonneberg-type bodies (1885-1890)
Creamy finish, rectangular torso.
Straight wrists.
Elongated hip with a ball or right angle joint.
The bodies were produced for the factories Simon and Halbig, Kunlenz, and also sold to other manufacturers (do not specify)
Photo 6: Sonneberg-type bodies (1890-1900)
Creamy finish, rectangular torso.
For different factories of the Sonneberg era.
Samples number 141, and 140 Kuno Dressel factory for Dressel and Heubach dolls (the 1910s).

Photo 7: Sonneberg-type bodies (the 1910s)
Creamy and dark yellow finish (144 swatches).
Stamp “Made in Germany”.
Composite torso with a pronounced tummy.
Detailed toes and kneecaps.
Used by different factories of this era.
Photo 8: Sonneberg-type bodies (the 1920s)
Creamy finish. Only sample 1050 has a slightly pinkish tinge. This sample also has a pronounced butt.
Part of the arm is elongated (from the elbow to the hand, it is longer than the earlier samples).
Pronounced fold in the interfemoral space, pronounced patella and toes.
Used by different factories of this era.

Photo 9: Walterhausen-type bodies (1900-1910)
Body with cream and dark yellow finishes, also ebony black probably from Kestner (Pattern 156).
Detailed fingers and toes.
Torsos with pronounced tummies, but with shape options.
Model No. 153 with an amber-yellow finish, designed for Asian-type dolls.
Photo 10: Walterhausen-type bodies (1900-1910)
Creamy and yellow finish.
Wood composite articulated bodies.
Pattern 159 (for SH 1159) and 160 from Heinrich Handwerck.

Photo 11: Walterhausen-type bodies (1895-1900)
Dark yellow and creamy finish.
Detailed fingers and toes, nails.
Rectangular torso, patella blushing.
Sample 163 from Handwerck.
Photo 12: Walterhausen-type bodies (1900)
6 samples.
Yellow finish, red factory stamps.
Sample 165 b 166 – from Kestner, Germany stamp.
Sample 167 – body stamped by Excelsior Germany from Kestner.
5 samples for the Kestner factory. The first sample was used by several manufacturers.

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